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3 Things To Learn From Luis Trivino’s Heartwarming & Inspiring Story

Luis Trivino’s story is a tale of compassion, love and resilience in the face of anything and everything life throws at you.

There are few books that can make it to your permanent collection and also your heart, and we think it’s safe to say that Luis Trivino’s “A Notebook of Love” has made it to both.

From its title, it may appear to be a typical love story—one that you pick up for a bit of light-reading and find yourself smiling throughout. But this is definitely one book you can’t judge by its cover or title.

“A Notebook of Love” is primarily a biography, but while reading it, we couldn’t help thinking how its contents make it so much more than that.

To us, it’s a book on relationships and mental health and a tale of making the best lemonade out of the worst lemons life throws at you.

Here are a few other things we learned from this masterpiece.

The Strongest People We Know Are Fighting the Worst Silent Battles

We all have people around us who we’ve never seen being emotional, and most of us often find ourselves wishing we were like them a bit more. Not only would that help us get through challenging situations, but it would also help us avoid embarrassing situations of tearing up in the worst possible moments.

But here’s what we never realize. Just because these people look tough on the outside doesn’t mean they aren’t fighting a million battles inside.

Luis Trivino is a war veteran who loves adventure and is considerably successful with nothing to be depressed about, at least on the surface. But as you read his story, you’ll realize precisely how much this strong, happy-go-lucky, anime-watching war veteran has been through. It makes us think about all the other people around us who look strong and happy on the outside but probably have a lot going on that they deal with alone.

Giving Up on True Love Is Never the Answer

This is definitely the most significant underlying message of this story, and it should truly help couples facing difficulties put things in perspective.

Luis Trivino has his own traumas and struggles with mental health. PTSD and bipolar disorders are no joke to deal with. He also has his childhood traumas and his struggles with alcohol addiction. Yet, with this book, he chooses to put his wife and his relationship first—before anything else, before even his own mental health.

His wife suffers from Post-PTSD and borderline personality disorder. Both are mental health concerns that can make life very difficult for the patient and their partner, but Luis Trivino doesn’t give up on his relationship and the love of his life.

Lesson to be learned: When your partner asks if they are worthy of love, you take a leaf out of Luis Trivino’s story and write a whole book for them.  

Life Goes On

Another lesson that we learned from A Notebook of Love is that life goes on, and it’s best to go on with it.

Luis Trivino had no shortage of bad experiences since his childhood. From his parent’s traumatic pasts to his own experiences with child abuse and his tough experiences in the military, as well as his struggles with his own and his wife’s mental health concerns—he always had his plate full. But that didn’t stop him from living his life and making the most of every day.

Luis Trivino’s story is definitely worth reading, and we personally feel that we learn something new each time we pick it up.

We don’t want you to feel left out, so give it a read and get inspired!

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